Pilates Fusion

“Time is money” as professional athletes know all too well. Which is why it is notable that with millions of people doing Pilates, the list of sport athletes is extensive. Olympic champions: including Julie Mancuso (skiing), Misty May-Treanor (Olympic volleyball gold medalist), Sanay Richards (running), and Sasha Cohen (figure skating).

Pro athletes of every sport and even professional teams have incorporated the Pilates regimen to their team practices, including:
Green Bay Packers
New Jersey Nets>
Orlando Magic
Detroit Lions
Tampa Bay Buccaneers

The Pilates Method was developed by Joseph Pilates.  He opened his first studio in New York City, whose dance community recognized the value of his training. Such legends as George Balanchine and Martha Graham incorporated the Pilates method into their teaching and training of dancers.  Martha Graham sent her dancers to Pilates to recover from injuries and return to performing.

“I take ballet and Pilates classes and lift weights with my physical therapist when I’m not on the ice.”

John Wooden, Legendary US College Basketball Coach
Took UCLA to 10 National Titles.

Mind-Body Integration

Pilates Fusion

The Pilates method is organized to train the mind and body together for a more efficient and integrated exercise experience. The mental skill of visual imagery is used to train the mind, as well as the muscles.

A structured training, Pilates is known for ‘working the core’. The muscles of the body create a frame of reference, a so-called ‘Map for the body’. The Pilates work is structured around the ‘powerhouse’ of the body: the abdomen, hips, and low back (the trunk of the body).

There are many benefits to using the Pilates Method. The most dramatic ones include the development of many aspects of physical fitness and movement.

The work is designed to train the deepest muscles in the body to improve:


“I wanted to get really fit. I wanted to lose some weight. So I’ve been doing Pilates and yoga, trying to lean out my body so I won’t be bulky.”

Serena Williams, US Pro Tennis Player
Ranked #1 in women’s world tennis 2013, 4 Olympic medals
All time highest money earner (over $40 million)

Scheduling Sessions with Naomi

  • Naomi is available for individual, group and team consultations.
  • Her sessions can be scheduled at your location as she travels extensively.
  • Please contact her directly to learn of upcoming sessions and locations.
  • She can be reached at naomi@movementmax.com or (415) 624-6442